What's mud got to do with it?
We are currently up to our elbows in elbow grease, however, it wasn't too long ago we were up to our elbows in mud.
Mud? Oh yeah. Mud. We love mud. We love dirt in general but we especially love mud. There is nothing more capable of bringing out our inner wild child than a little mud, and permission (or not.) to get our toes into it. On June 29th we celebrated International Mud Day. This is such a magical day for so many reasons, one of which is simply that it really encourages the kind of play that makes the heart happy. The silly, sensory riddled play that just calls for a little letting go. You mean I can just jump right in? Yep. Yep you can.

IMud Day is a global event, which means while we were mucking it up in Bragg Creek, AB other kids (and adults) were out there making mud pies too. The event is organized to help create connections to our earth and to each other through play. Ridiculous, free and wild play. Straight from the heart. This is our jam! Hope you can join us in 2017.
In the meantime here is a list of reasons why playing in the mud is just such a good idea. Let the Children Play has a great quick fact list. Enjoy.